G - leenar
L - avenia
O - marie
R - enalyn
K - himbyrlee
A - nna Rose
D - ahlia
E - mily
so? how did we came up with circle of friends?
how did we become friends?
at first, it was only me, Emily, Dahlia, Renalyn, and Anna Rose.. the five of us came from the same section.. when entering 2nd year, we've met new classmates and encountered new friends..
the first one we have bond with is Omarie.. sumasama siya sa amin pag kami ay nag-iinternet.. dumaan ang mga araw, naging close rin kami.. pareha rin kasi sila nga relihiyon ni Anna Rose.. kaya ganun, nasama siya sa aming grupo at tinawag namin ang sarili namin na OKREAD..
after few months in our sophomore years, we have made friends with Gleenar.. she's good in academic so we ran to her when we need some explanation.. after a few weeks * i think * , we became "BARKADA" and we started going out together..
last but not the least is Lavenia.. she and Emily became close at first.. then after that she always go with us whenever we go.. same with the others :) we became BARKADA too..
all of us choose the name GLORKADE with the initials of our name.. :)
that's how it all started.. :)