9:36 PM
As we go on through life, we meet many people.. They touch our lives like what we do to them. Sometimes we part ways and bid our goodbyes.. People stay the way they are. Some choose to change themselves. Other seems they don't know us at all..
As far as I've known, only 20% of the friends that I have knows the 20% of me.. No one knows who I truly am. Some know me as the girl who always show smile in her face, the girl you can barely see copying the answer of others, the girl who is intelligent than the others.
Well, I'm just a simple girl with an ordinary lifestyle. God just provided me with extraordinary characteristics which make them say that I am amazing..
So much for that, friends come and go in our life.. They remember us when they have problems, when they are in need of us, when they don't have someone to talk, especially when then don't have anyone to cry on..
I'm not like the other friends you have. I stay. I always will. If you ever need me, just shout my name and I'l be there for you. :)
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