Random'09: Feeling Hopeless

9:38 PM

Here I am again. I'm feeling tired. 
Feeling tired even though I didn't do anything. 
This is another worst scenario in my life. 
You're wasting your money. 
You enjoy listening to their conversations. 
You think bitterly because they have things which you don't have. 
You're jealous because you think they are blessed than you. 

Here I am again. I don't even know what I am doing. 
I am in front of my laptop. Just typing anything that comes out of my mind. 
Just thinking random thin
gs in life. How's my life, you may ask. 
I'm missing my life. Yeah. I am. 
I'm calling. But no one answered. 

I'm hopeless for good things to happen. 
I hopeless for great things to come. 
I'm feeling hopeless. 
So hopeless. 

Where's my luck? I wasn't able to taste the success of my luck. 
When God showered good thing, I wasn't there to catch it. Maybe, that's the reason. Just maybe.

Good things will come. But not to me. 

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