September 1st, I'm going HOME :)
1:13 AM
“Dumbledore watched her fly away,
and as her silvery glow faded
he turned back to Snape,
and his eyes were full of tears.
"After all this time?"
"Always," said Snape.”
Like Snape, I'll say "Always to Harry Potter". :)
Whatever everyone say, Harry Potter will always be a part of my life. It thought me different lessons, lessons that I can't get at school or at home.
It taught me that life will always be a magic. You just have to have faith in it.
It taught me that families have the very strong ties and the mother's love is the best.
It taught me that friendship is strongest and you need to choose your friends wisely.
It taught e that you can always love the one person for the rest of your life. (Oh Snape! You're amazing.)
It taught e that even though you play on the safe side, trouble will always find it's way to track you.
It taught me that books will also become realities even though it's just a work of the mind.
Should I write it all? Nah. It's for you to discover. :)
0 Shout Out! :D