1:56 AM
It was never in my plan to be a teacher. What I have in my mind 3 years ago was to cure the sick people. But now, I'm taking a computer-related course and working as a teacher/tutor. It is, indeed, a great experience to touch lives of those people.
Being a teacher is never an easy job. You've got to know and deal with different kinds of student. Everyday, you have to study the lessons and think of strategies that will make the class be interested to listen to you. You have to let your students see that you are capable of being a teacher, that you are effective and efficient as an educator.
To those teachers by profession and by heart, HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!
Enjoy teaching and spreading knowledge to anyone! Thank you for the patience!
especially to myself, my sister Jerilee, and my mother Mercy (yeah! it runs in the family), to my fellow teachers at Bibo Global Opportunity, Inc and to my teacher in Elementary, High School and College.
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