1:03 AM
On this day mark the celebration of the chosen people. Out of the billion population, only 10 % belongs to the group of left handed people. And I am proud to say I am one of the chosen one.
Left Handers Day is celebrated on the 13th of August. Today marks the 21st annual celebration for the lefties. According to,it is opportunity for left-handers everywhere to celebrate their uniqueness in "Lefty Zones" and increase public awareness of the "struggles left-handers are forced to deal with on a day-to-day basis."
Many says that being a lefty is awesome. You look unique. They say lefties are creative. You, together with famous people like Pres. Obama, Sir Isaac Newton, Prince William of England, Oprah Winfrey and Marilyn Monroe, are amazing.
Here's 10 struggles lefties always experience (most of the time)
1. Writing on spiral notebooks
2. Sitting on a school arm chair

3. Writing on binders
4. Using can openers
5. Messing up with pen smugdes
6. Bumping elbows with righties
7. Cutting with scissors
8. Making check marks

9. Setting up tables in the opposite side
10. Being questioned if I am writing using my left hand
(cr to the owner for the pictures)
15 Shout Out! :D
I think school chair is no longer a problem because there are available chairs for left handed kids in school. I have a friend who is left handed. :)
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is lefty and she claims taking down notes really hurts her left hand because of the spring, ever since then she either writes on the back part or we get her a notebook that doesn't have a spring. It's cute when we eat at Japanese restaurants, she can only hold the chopsticks using her left hand.
ReplyDeleteI know being left-handed is difficult also for guitarists, so they have to string their guitars differently. It's cool to see left-handed guitarists. Also, most left-handed friends I know have good penmanship.
ReplyDeleteMy friend is a lefty, its so cute watching her peel the mango. Its kinda scary watching her at first then I was kinda imitating and use my left hand but I wasn't successful. Thanks for sharing Sis
LOL for the last one! I hope they would make items for left-handed especially the arm chair in schools and the scissors.
ReplyDeleteThe 10 is epic. HAHAH . I had a lot of friends who are left handed. Will be showing this to them.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a lefty, but half of my family is (my mom, brother and sister) and although I can't remember them complaining, I did notice they experienced most of the struggles you mentioned. However, like you, they simply accepted their uniqueness. Oh yeah, they're creative as well ☺ Belated Happy Left-Handers Day!
ReplyDeleteI remember my sister was a left handed before. My mother forced her to use her right hand because she said it's not easy being a left-handed. So my sister have no choice but to learn to write using her right hand. Hehe.
ReplyDeleteI'm a proud lefty. I'm surprised to know that Pres. Obama and Oprah are also lefties (and the other influential people you mentioned). I can relate to the said "struggles" but those aren't really much for me. I don't find them too hard.
ReplyDeleteWhen you're a lefty, chances are the right hemisphere of your brain is more active than the left. The right hemisphere is more on Holistic Thinking Mode compared to the Linear Thinking Mode of the left hemisphere. It's not true for all lefties though, but in my case it is. I'm more on the creative side.
This is something I would never understand as I am not a leftie.
ReplyDeleteI so get you as I'm a lefty also. However nowadays there are also many tailored stuff like scissors for left handers which I find is really good.
ReplyDeleteI can't relate since I'm not a leftie but I have this thinking that lefties are intelligent and creative people.
ReplyDeleteI have a left handed classmate. When we are on our 5th grade, he is lucky that there is one arm chair for left handed but he was forced to use the regular arm chair because his seatmate can copy his answers during exams.
ReplyDeleteLeft-handed have good penmanship, I have known lefties with very nice hand writing.
ReplyDeletelefty represented! It's difficult to write on the black/whiteboard too.
ReplyDeleteComment here :)